74 results found
Share RingSense recording without having to first specify an email address
Ability to obtain share link for external parties without having to enter an email address.
They would like to get a copy of the link so they can send a more personalized follow up email and response with the recoding link from RingSense for the meeting.7 votes -
Auto-Assign Managers in RingSense
Requesting a means of automatically assigning user managers in RingSense based on a user's participating in a RingEX user group.
Ex: User A is the manager of a user group that includes User B and User C. When User B and User C are assigned RingSense for Sales licenses, User A is auto-assigned as their manager in RingSense, creating a corresponding RingSense team under User A.
2 votes -
RingSense Automatic User Provisioning
Suggesting a means to streamline/auto-provision users within RingSense for Sales, similar to how the existing auto-provisioning feature works for users within RingEX.
Essentially, admins would be able to authorize RingSense for Sales within their directory environment (Azure AD, Okta, etc) and define a provisioning scope that they could add user emails to. Once synced with their RingEX account, users in the provisioning scope would be auto-assigned RingSense for Sales licenses.
1 vote -
Allow one final Submit for scorecards
When you're scoring a call, you have a Submit button per section. When you submit your scoring, it sends an email each time which can be confusing on the receivers end. If you could allow to score sections of the call and then have one final Submit Scores button, which sends one whole package email to the end user, with everything together, it'd be less confusing and definitely more beneficial to have it all on one communication.
1 vote -
Don't limit feedback or comment characters
Currently when leaving feedback, I'm limited to 1000 characters max. I find this can be hindering on providing thoughtful insight and suggested improvements in a readable/bulleted format. I would add, the feedback and comment sections are meant to leave something at that exact moment on the call. I am looking for a general large text field to leave feedback on the overall call, not just for specifics moments of the call.
1 vote -
Allow multi select or bulk function
In the my calls dashboard allow multiselect select feature to bulk achieve, mark as reviewed, move, tag, or link deal to selected calls.
1 vote -
Aggregate Reports for Call Metrics
Option to have an overall aggregated reports for call metrics (Sentiment, Talk to Listen Ratio, Talking Energy and Speed, Interruptions , etc.)
For example , call metrics from ~50 calls from last month, etc.
1 vote -
Create deals without having a CRM connected
Allow admins/managers to create custom deals when there is no CRM
Integrations connected.2 votes -
Allow Custom Tags for Calls
Allow custom and searchable tags for calls.
1 vote -
Add Service Industry under organization
I would like to see specific trackers for home improvement, electric, plumbing, HVAC, etc. industries.
1 vote -
An Objections Dashboard. AI filters common categories for objections and groups then alike.
1 vote -
Ringsense Feedback tab for members
Client wanted to provide a feedback tab on their members too. A feedback tab that collates all the feedback for that agent. At the moment the feedback is just showing on the notification on members end. Also a feeback tab for managers or admin that shows all the feedback history.
2 votes -
Customization of CRM Advanced Call Logging in RingSense for Sales
Add the ability to customize mapping of advanced call logging to allow for clients to chose where in the CRM they want RS4S data to be logged. As an example, Zoho advanced call logging defaults to the "Task Body" and not "notes" where customers may want to have this data instead of the task body, This will increase the usability of RingSense and CRM integrations.
3 votes -
Netsuite Integration
This is for a 50 User Opp Champro Sports for their Field Sales and Marketing Team. They are planning a move to Oracle in early 2025 and they loved the RS4S Demo yesterday.
2 votes -
Auto-delete RingSense recordings under 1 minute
Auto-delete RingSense recordings under 60 seconds (or period defined by customer).
Since we are auto-recording, we often find short recordings with poor scores crowding the list of calls and bringing down the average score. For example when a customer declines to be recorded.
25 votes -
Allow Comments and Feedback anywhere I listen to a call
Currently in both RingSense for Sales and RingSense for RingCX, the only place you can add Comments or Feedback is from the Call Details page. If playing a call from the Summary tab, would be good to expose option for additional functions (ie: Feedback) via a right-click, or adding a header bar above the Playback controls.
2 votes -
Ability to Delete Calls for Privacy Concerns
There are instances when a call may have been recorded that shouldn't have or an internal calls gets processed because a user called from an external number, etc. Admins need to be able to delete these calls to ensure privacy is maintained in the platform.
2 votes -
log transcripts read the same as calls listened
There's currently no way to track which calls i've read the transcripts on, or how many transcripts I've read. Would love to see those metrics.
1 vote -
Rotating through Filtered calls
Filtering calls by host and participant > Once you have one open, be able to click next or back to stay within those calls rather than having to refilter them.
Generic report with all interactions within that filter.
1 vote -
Ingest more recordings (internal meeting and previously recorded meetings)
With RingSense for Sales, there are use cases where we need to include in the deal review (Deal Intelligence) what has been said during internal meetings to get a full spectrum of the status of the deal (presales and post-sales).
Also, existing customer might want to process their existing recording (prior to subscribe to RingSense for Sales.3 votes
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