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702 search results

  1. RinCentral Adoption & Usage data Integration with Slack Channels  ·  New

  2. Meta Data in Voicemail Playback  ·  Under Review

  3. Include Limited Extensions Call Data to Analytics Reporting  ·  New

  4. device storage option for faster data fetching for SMS  ·  New

  5. RC app scheduling data missing  ·  Future Consideration

  6. Increase data coverage in Kibana

  7. Recovery or Holding of Deleted Extensions and Data  ·  Under Review

  8. Analytics Widgets to compare data

  9. Interaction Details does not match Agent disposition dashboard data  ·  New

  10. Bulk Upload / Template in uploading or updating Company Emergency Response Locations (All Sites/ per sites)  ·  Future Consideration

  11. Add other Online data back up for RingCentral Archiver  ·  New

  12. Customizable File Labels for Backup Data. (Call Recording)  ·  New

  13. Inbound Calls Performance Reporting - Allow different view of data  ·  Under Review

  14. data analytics data report must have a report separated for business and after hours  ·  Already Exists

  15. Allow for export of all raw data to Microsoft BI  ·  Under Review

  16. add n/a to the yes/no responses on scorecards  ·  New

  17. Report/Data of the calls we received from all countries

  18. Get full data of an account in a zip file  ·  New

  19. Call records in the RingCentral app should include timestamps for ALL calls received, not just those received on the day the query is run.  ·  New

  20. Ability to show the Name when exporting message data export  ·  Under Review

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