incredibly there are 3 people in my organization with the same exact name. each works in a different division. When I look up the name "Julie" I get a lot of people from my contact list and its hard to know which is which. could you add visibility of the company with the name and phone number to help differentiate between all of the people with the same name? dial by name is a great feature. Adding a little more detail to disambiguate would be a nice improvement. Screen shot attached of calling "Julie"
incredibly there are 3 people in my organization with the same exact name. each works in a different division. When I look up the name "Julie" I get a lot of people from my contact list and its hard to know which is which. could you add visibility of the company with the name and phone number to help differentiate between all of the people with the same name? dial by name is a great feature. Adding a little more detail to disambiguate would be a nice improvement. Screen shot attached of calling "Julie"