HI, we are ring central customer and I'm wondering how do you get your extension to recognize across devices and on the handset that there was not a missed call when you answered on one of the devices.
For example, when a call comes in and I answer on my phone app. I have a notification on my desktop app and handset that I missed a call when in reality I actually answered from my phone app. I feel like this can be confusing. How doe I resolve so all the devices recognize when I answer a call?
HI, we are ring central customer and I'm wondering how do you get your extension to recognize across devices and on the handset that there was not a missed call when you answered on one of the devices.
For example, when a call comes in and I answer on my phone app. I have a notification on my desktop app and handset that I missed a call when in reality I actually answered from my phone app. I feel like this can be confusing. How doe I resolve so all the devices recognize when I answer a call?