Random meeting ID retention
Currently:1. If you "Schedule" a meeting with random ID, the ID will be retained for a year and expire after that.2. If you "Start" a meeting from RC Web App, the ID expires in less than a week.3. Dealing with multiple overlapping meetings with "Personal" ID is not that convenient.What's going on in workflow:1. After a year you've setup several meetings (like 1x1s and team syncs) you get them expired.2. As you get that "Invalid ID" message pretty unexpected (usually minute before the meeting should actually start) - you quickly hit Start button in RC Web App and send out new invitation with new ID3. Next week new meeting ID appears to be expired as lifetime of brief ("Start") meeting is pretty short which is unexpected by user as well.What would be really great to have:1. For any case (Start/Schedule) to have a retention of the meeting with random ID bound to the meeting population during last 2/4/6 weeks with minimum retention of 2 weeks for "Start" and a year for "Schedule". So that meeting ID would not expire if the meeting was populated recently2. To send the e-mail and/or notification to the meeting owner stating the expire of the meeting is expected soon, and providing some link to prolong the ID activity term.3. The lifetime left for the meeting with random ID should be stated somewhere to be visible to user.That would allow not to have the workflow issue described above and, I guess, would not take us out of ID range