Please add the "Call Me" Feature from RC Meetings to RC Video
Most video conference software I use has gotten to the point where there's a "call me" widget from the software instead of making me dial in to a number with numerous long sequences of numbers to input (and only with English prompts). The prior software RC had, RC Meetings (I think that was the one based on Zoom and caught up in all that litigation) had a "call me" widget that saved my desk phone number and let me connect the audio to my phone with a single, simple click. It was glorious. Now, RC Video makes me dial in, which takes a little while and which I can flub - number pads on keyboards and phones are flip-flopped and I'm always flipping 7's and 1's and such when I'm in a rush - so it'd be great to save that level of time and frustruation by having the new software be able to have the functionality that the old software had.

Valentin Berlin commented
That's existed.
1. Choose audio options - "^" symbol near "Mute/Unmute" button
2. Switch to phone call
3. Call me tab