I second this motion. The HUD is perfect place to setup this expected feature that is standard on most other platforms. We were remiss to discover this isn't already in place as would be logically expected from a mature platform like RC, when we had this on Mitel and even back on ShoreTel. Hopefully drag-and-drop call transfers, which our receptionists and admins rely heavily on, is a simply UI update to the HUD that RC can release quickly. It would solve one of the only missing links we have after migrating from Mitel.
I second this motion. The HUD is perfect place to setup this expected feature that is standard on most other platforms. We were remiss to discover this isn't already in place as would be logically expected from a mature platform like RC, when we had this on Mitel and even back on ShoreTel. Hopefully drag-and-drop call transfers, which our receptionists and admins rely heavily on, is a simply UI update to the HUD that RC can release quickly. It would solve one of the only missing links we have after migrating from Mitel.