Delay in the event after "Single Play Audio"
At present, after the first two single play audio files are played, there is about a 4-7 second delay before moving to the next queue event. This has been identified a bug by EVCR (
Steps to reproduce
setup duration of first queue event to 38
call into the queue and listen if there will be a delay after playing 2 files
setup duration of first queue event to 39
call into the queue and listen if there will be a delay after playing 2 files
Actual behavior
There is delay after the end of playing 2 files
Expected behavior
There is no delay after the end of playing 2 files.
Adding additional details:
Discussed with architects. From a product perception this is a bug, for sure, as it's not expected by customer to get delays between queue events. But at the same time, this is behavior is due to current architecture limitations.
Can we consider this as a feature request to meet the customer's expectation?
There should be no delay after the end of playing 2 files.