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Chris shared this idea ·
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Chris shared this idea ·
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Chris shared this idea ·
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RingCX has an API that facilitates this
5 votes
This request is for a productized IVR Deflection functionality tied to the ED/Omni product. While the other AHA request focuses on using RC CC / EV IVR trees, this request is for a "bring your own IVR system" type solution.What? IVR Deflection (or call deflection) allows a consumer who is dialing into a traditional telephony IVR system to "deflect" the call from voice to a digital channel such as SMS, WhatsApp, or ABC (through SMS).Why? IVR Deflection provides numerous benefits from cost savings to greatly enhanced CX:1- Reduces expensive call volume2- Provides a better CX to customers by allowing them to get off lengthy voice hold times and move into a preferred asynchronous channel of their choice3- Differentiates a brands CX experience vs. competitors (though brands are catching up)4- Drive awareness and contacts to digital programsFrom a product portfolio standpoint, providing a comprehensive OOTB IVR Deflection solution puts us on par with major players in the digital space.Brands seeking out digital solutions are becoming more aware of IVR Deflection. By not having a feature rich productized solution, we jeopardize our potential to win certain opportunities against competitors who do offer a native and comprehensive solutionHow? At the core, an IVR Deflection solution can be considered an API endpoint(s) with which customers can embed in their IVR system of choice. It's important to consider functionality beyond simply just deflecting the call. A comprehensive solution considers items such as :
Being able to pass context (JSON) from the IVR system into the endpoint, which in turn is delivered to the agent inside Engage digital. Things like: customers #, their original text message, the path they took in the IVR tree, and really any other contextual data a brand may want to pass in for the agent to consume
Comprehensive reporting on the solution. A brand will want to know the impact IVR Deflection is having - we need to be able to show it.
Being able to deflect to multiple channels with one endpoint:
In-App Messaging
Any other future channels with proactive outbound capabilities
Customer can "bring their own IVR system" since the solution runs off endpoints. Simply embed the endpoint in your IVR system, pass any context in the API call, and you're off to the races
Consider and handle cases where a customer may be doing proactive outbound SMS AND ivr deflection to SMS. For example:
customer does IVR deflection to SMS, but does not respond to the initial IVR deflection message.
5 hours later, the brand sends an outbound SMS blast off the same #, and that customer gets the message. if the customer responds, how will the agent know the context of what they're responding to? (The IVR deflection message, or the outbound blast message)
Examples of IVR Deflection: