32 results found
Polling in Glip
Add polling in Glip (not just RCV) for communicating in writing/messaging with co-workers.
2 votes -
Allow scheduling of meetings without connecting to a calendar
Allow scheduling of meetings without connecting to a calendar. For privacy purposes and confidentiality, I do not want to give access to my outlook calendar.
5 votes -
Schedule Meeting Using Default Mac OSX Calendar with RingCentral
Good morning,We would like to schedule meetings using our default mac osx calendar with our RingCentral GLIP app, opposed to using Office 365 or Google. When will GLIP integrate with Apple's Mac OSX Calendar? This is a very need feature we would find very helpful if implemented.
10 votes -
@mentions - Comment on Task Directly without leaving @mentions
@mentions - In Ring Central Classic (Glip), we are able to work quickly through our mentions by selecting the messages, which opens the task in whatever team the task is and it opens in the right hand column and allows us to comment directly on the task within @mentions without having to switch to the team the task is in. I have attached a screenshot of the Ring Central Classic app that functions correctly for representation. Having to hunt down the team the task is in to post a comment on the task to respond to your @mention will take…
1 vote -
Organize tasks in whatever priority I deem necessary. Like the original Ring Central Classic App
The old app (Ring Central Classic) allowed the user to arrange the tasks by dragging and dropping them in whatever order the user preferred. This allowed lots of great flexibility to organize tasks in a strategic way of goal setting for what is most important to least important tasks. This feature was AMAZING in the original app and is disappointing and frustrating not to have that ability. It was a major way I kept up with the priority of my tasks as well as what my team members and employees were doing first and last. Thanks for your help in…
1 vote -
Have an option for things to repeat every other week
There are task that have to be performed every other week. This helps allow teams to stay on track if we could get this function set up. I have been duplicating boards for the biweekly task in the classic glip. Now in the new version I cannot duplicate the boards.
1 vote -
Export Tasks in CSV format to be transferred to databases
It would be great to be able to move some info posted inside Glip Pro outside in a text CSV format. That way these info might be stored and used inside organization databases
1 vote -
Use of Forms for requests
It would be great to be be able to place a requests like tasks. Sometimes there is the need to place requests between team members. Let's say for example ask for days off or ask for a purchase .......
1 vote -
Print Notes Missing functionality
We are missing the funtionality to print notes as we were able to do in the previous versions of Glip
1 vote -
Add control for Integrated Calendar Notifications
In the RingCentral App, it would be really beneficial to have the ability to turn off calendar notifications so that entries which exist in the original calendar (Outlook, Gmail) don't send a duplicate notification in Ring Central. At this point, the only way to prevent this is to unlink the calendar (removing the ability to create meeting invites from Ring Central) or mute all notifications (making the soft phone functionality unusuable)
4 votes -
Need ability to re-assign task
Every day I (as the owner) get new matters that I need to deal with - I don't assign them immediately to any particular employee because I need to deal with preliminary matters first. But I create the task so I don't forget it. Now when it comes time to assign to an employee - I cannot -- YOU NEED THIS FUNCTION - the ability to assign tasks to new employees AFTER THE FACT - what if an employee leaves or becomes sick and you need to put another employee on the task, at least temporarily. Also - it doesn't…
2 votes -
Sort tasks by likes
Let's say you're brainstorming with your team and start listing out some actionable ideas on a task list. It would be great if people could like individual tasks which could then be sorted by the number of likes to see the most popular ideas/actions. I believe Asana can do this.
1 vote
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