RingCX AI Driven "How Can I help you" Chat
AI Assist type Chat, using the new RCX AI Knowledge base to ask "How Can I help" offering RingCX Queues along with FAQ's. When a Queue is asked for , the conversation is transfered. Question get answered in AI Assist fashion.
A stretch on the idea would be to chat to ask for a voice agent to call them back. End user uses the chat for FAQ's, can be asked if they would like to chat with an agent (can ask for a specific queue) or if they would like an agent in a specific queue to call them. The call would invoke a Campaign out dial.
A stretch on the idea would be to chat to ask for a voice agent to call them back. End user uses the chat for FAQ's, can be asked if they would like to chat with an agent (can ask for a specific queue) or if they would like an agent in a specific queue to call them. The call would invoke a Campaign out dial.