improved accessibility options in the supervisor view
Affected user is vision impaired, and therefore utilizes accessibility features to navigate their PC. They have no mouse and rely on keyboard commands and shortcuts to navigate. On the legacy supervisor view, agent was able to navigate with ease and make adjustments/supervise agents as needed. Ever since moving to the new supervisor view, the agent has been struggling to perform some aspects of their job. User can search and select users, but cannot adjust the proficiency of users with their set up. Also, they cannot select the elipses on an agent to live monitor them. There's a few other issues, but primarily there doesn't seem to be any accessibility settings or ways to navigate around these issues within the platform. Customer is requesing improved accessibility options or ways for the agent to navigate the supervisor view with just their keyboard.
What is your use case and who is the user (agent, supervisor, customer, etc.) for your request? Affected agent is a supervisor for their team and relies on the functionality of the supervisor view to perform their daily activities.
What problem are you trying to solve or what problems does the current functionality cause? The current functionality prevents the user from accessing key features of their role and limits what the agent can get done alone.
What steps did you take to get there? Worked with my team internally to try and find other solutions, but the best we could find were some 3rd party chrome extensions or applications that introduce an extra layer of security risk while attempting to provide the missing functionality
How do you want the feature/product to work (proposed solution)? If there was a way to adjust the keyboard navigation of the modern supervisor view to mimic that of the legacy supervisor, that would be Ideal.