1186 results found
Provide a way to see how many Contac Center Agents are available for a phone call
Currently, we can only see how many agents are logged into the Max Agent, but if they have not properly logged into their phone, they are not available to take calls. Call Center supervisors would like to know how many agents are available to take phone calls.
1 vote -
Better Segmentation in Reports
By default, all reports pull up all records. This can become a significant performance issue in busy systems over time. The UI should provide a date range with some predefined options like today, last 7 days, etc. with the option to specify a custom range before executing the query to view the results.
2 votes -
Create similar UI for email templates in Digital and Voice sections
There are 2 places where an admin can create an email template: Voice and Digital. Voice provides a basic UI to pre-fill fields like From, To, & Subject and use Tags. Digital requires editing HTML code with an extra step to submit it for preview. The Voice email templates appears to be tied to outbound dialer campaigns. This feature should be consolidated into a single UI.
2 votes -
Enable syncing of contact/address book across all users
Allow the the super admin to sync their contacts to the other users to create a universal contact/address book for the company
121 votesImplemented ·AdminJessica Hernandez (Community and Social Media Engagement Manager, RingCentral) responded
Learn more about managing the shared directory of external contacts here!
Callbacks Moved back to Available Leads if Not Dialed
Agent's own their callbacks. If an agent leaves the company or neglects to maintain contact with someone in their pipeline we want the lead to automatically go back into the pool so another agent can begin working it. We would want to set the number of days that the callback is owned by the agent before being sent back to available pool for calling.
7 votes -
Increase the time on server for Automatic Call Recording (Data Retention Policy) for 180 days
The customer will benefit from this, considering that account of the customers have lots of recording that they haven't listen yet and it will give ample time to listen to it.
20 votes -
The customer requested a report in the Contact Center to identify if calls were cleared from a stuck queue.
The customer requested a report in the Contact Center to identify if calls were cleared from a stuck queue.
1 vote -
Ability to process deleted pending activities.
Need ability to approve or remove pending deleted activities as an admin. There is a deleted activity sitting in queue. There is no filter to only see active or remove deleted types.
1 vote -
2 votes
Prevent Stuck Voice Calls with no Disposition
There should be a check in the UI to prevent stuck voice calls in the Agent's UI because no disposition was configured. It's possible to configure a Voice queue without any disposition or no Agent Script. Since there's no way to disposition the call, it appears "stuck" in the Agent UI where there's no way to clear it after the call ends. It's possible that the agent won't be able take new calls.
2 votes -
Being Able To Send Outbounds Faxes From Email Without Attaching A File
We Would Like To Be Able To Send Faxes Out By Just Tying A Message In The Body Of Our Email When Using "Email To Fax" And Without Having To Attach A File Such As PDF. The Body of The Email Should Just be The First Page. We Send Out Alot Of 1 Page Emails Which Needs To Be 1 Page Fax And Do Not Want To Turn Everything Into A File
2 votes -
Option to Turn Off History log in Max Agent/Salesforce NICE CXone Plug-in
Using the HISTORY log to transfer calls is not something that our company would like to offer as an option to our users, or at the very least, we would like to have the ability to toggle it off. At no point do we want to give our users the ability to transfer a caller to another user who called in previously. Furthermore, if you glance over the HISTORY, which is displayed in small gray text, you will notice that the skill name is bolded within the block of information. This has caused confusion among some of our users over…
8 votes -
Reduce Pulse alert minimum time
Currently in Pulse, the minimum alert time is 30 seconds. This is ~6 rings.
If a customer is in queue past 3 rings, often they disconnect.
It would be great to have the option to choose shorter (5 seconds if possible).
4 votes -
Ability to view agents assigned to a Category
It is very difficult on Engage Digital to determine which agents are assigned to a Category. You have the ability to look up a specific agent within the admin settings and see which categories they are assigned to, but there is not the reverse of that scenario where you can look up a specific category and see who is assigned to it. This would be very helpful from a management perspective.
2 votes -
Custom Notification query option for "Undelivered" interactions
Recently we had a situation in which a dedicated agent working a channel had retired and the manager over that channel neglected to assign a replacement agent to take it over. This resulted in any message entering the system on that channel being immediately removed from routing mode and put into an "undelivered" queue so that when we did figure out this was happening and added an agent to that category none of the past messages would deliver to them. We attempted to build a Custom Notification to alert us to this situation happening in the future, but there is…
1 vote -
DNC options to be more transparent
Suggestion is to make DNC options more transparent to customers from UI. For example:
- Third party options (DNC.com and Gryphon Networks).
- Why is DNC org ID only a super admin level change?2 votes -
Customer Card navigation improvements
Goal is to have a button to view the card when hovering over the hidden button area when a message thread is visible.
2 votes -
Show CCRN Numbers dialed from Max to MVP as the CCRN Name
When users dial from the Contact Centre Max system to a MVP User using the Global Address Book the caller shows as the first created user on MVP on the MVP User's side.
2 votes -
New report: approver time off details
A report that shows who approved time off through WFM/ Manage Requests function. You can see who approved each request but a report would help with a larger WFM team and review who is making the approvals, including system approvals. Details: Who submitted the request, date of when the request was submitted, the date requesting off, who approved the request and the date it was approved, also include manager or dept informaton for the requestor
2 votes -
Add an adherence widget to the dashboard
Would be great to have an adherence metric widget to the dashboard. The options in WFM dashboard don't address adherence percent.
2 votes
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