Keep Meeting Window on Top
Like zoom, the ability to keep the meeting window on top of all other windows
Michael commented
I need the ability to keep the Video Meeting Window on top of all the other windows
Anonymous commented
Before RingCentral split from Zoom, there was an option to keep the video on top/front while doing background tasks. This was incredibly helpful, and I would appreciate having the option again. It allowed the user to work in the background (to take minutes, notes, etc.) while keeping the meeting visible.
Tom commented
Option to keep meeting window on top so participants can click off the meeting and now lose it under other open windows.
Ian commented
If I can keep the video window hovering over everything else, I can look at other websites, documents, etc without losing the video window. The RingCentral with Zoom had this feature, and it was really helpful. I don't like having to split the screens/windows in order to multi-task.