Screen Saver for RingCentral Meetings Rooms
Currently RingCentral Meetings Rooms can only rotate the background image but does not have an option for a Screen Saver or to Turn off Display (display a black image to keep the screen from burning). This is a necessity for conference rooms where users leave the display on by accident or for extended periods of time during the day and overnight. When I tried enabling the built in screen saver of the machine this is not supported properly by the meetings rooms and does not wake properly.The suggested fix is to add "Screen Saver" option (with specified number of minute) and "Turn off Display" option (with specified number of minutes) to the RingCentral Meetings Rooms settings *Note please add to both RingCentral Meetings Rooms and RingCentral Rooms products
You are now able to set up digital signage for your Rooms: