Ability to hover over a participant and see what information that helps identify their role and/or interest in the meeting
Point of pain being addressed: When meeting with people we haven't met or don't meet with regularly (especially users in customer-facing roles; e.g., AE's, CSM's, Support Leaders, etc.), I find I spend a lot of mental energy trying to figure who is who, why they are there, who reports to whom, etc. E.g., does this person work for the Partner? RC? the Customer? Are they in IT vs. line of business at the customer? Is that lady that's talking the highest ranking person on this call from this customer? Do the others report to her? Why does person X keep asking about Y? Why is that so important to him? Sometimes we spend the first 10-15 mins of a call just explaining/introducing the players, etc. Looked at at the organizational level, that is extremely costly. Anything we could do to provide more information & context up-front would save a ton of time for participants, enhance the user experience and therefore distinguish the RC meeting experience from competitive products.