AAD Attribute mapping to License type for user accounts when auto provisioning with Azure
When auto provisioning users, it would be helpful to be able to select the type of licensing you are providing to the accounts based off of the group they are added to in AAD. For example:
- Create Security Groups "RingCentralVideoPro" and "RingCentralDigitalAdvanced" in Azure/MS365.
For users in "RingCentral_VideoPro" AD group, Azure will provision an account based off of AD Attributes and assign a Video Pro license.
For users in "RingCentral_DigitalAdvanced" AD group, Azure will provision an account based off of AD Attributes and assign a Digital Advanced license, including assigning an extension and number to the account.
This would allow users that do not utilize RC numbers to appear in our directory with the "telephone number" AD attribute as their contact number in the company directory.
Linking your Outlook GAL or MS365 contact list to RC is simply ineffective when you have vast shared mailboxes, service accounts or admin accounts that do not need to be visible to the standard user in the RC contact directory.