276 results found
System schedules accessible via Queues, channels, IVR
System schedules accessible via Queues, channels, IVRs.
Have the ability to create schedules/holidays on the Admin portal then apply them to queues, digital channels, and IVR call flows. Having to manually create schedules in each of these categories is a lot of work. Also having to create custom routing in the IVR designer is a lot of time.
18 votes -
Ability to take DNC's off the List thru an upload
We currently have the ability to upload a file to add to the DNC list but we do not have the ability to upload a file to take off the DNC list. We have hundreds of records every day that we need to add and hundreds that we need to remove but currently the only way to remove them is manually one at a time. I was just at the DNC.com TCPA Summit last week and there are lawsuits in the works right now for this very reason. They are specifically looking at whether or not the clients DNC match…
18 votes -
Outbound WhatsApp within RCX agent UI
As an agent, the option to send a new WhatsApp message within the RCX agent UI is missing. This is available for other platforms (email, Facebook, X, etc.) but not for WhatsApp.
This is something that is available via API, so this request is specifically for the functionality to be added to the agent UI within RingCX.17 votes -
Increasing file size limit for file uploads when submitting a support ticket
File size limit is currently 2mb per any individual file. When requesting debug logs for a specific issue, most system logs are over 2mb by default. Please up the limit to possibly 3mb - 4mb, this should account for most any system log that may need to be uploaded
17 votes -
Adjustment - Cancel call transfer Label
Replace the following button in screenshot into a "Cancel transfer" option (to be translated for other supported languages too):
when making a transfer:
put the caller on hold > transfer > dial the 3rd party phone/REX/RCX users ,then when the RCX agent is connected with that 3rd party to whom we transfer the call , we should be able to cancel the transfer:
in the screenshot, the 3rd option: Transfer: Extension xxxx --> to be replaced by :
"Cancel Transfer : EXtension xxxx" .16 votes -
Delay in the event after "Single Play Audio"
At present, after the first two single play audio files are played, there is about a 4-7 second delay before moving to the next queue event. This has been identified a bug by EVCR (https://jira.ringcentral.com/browse/EVSE-8256)
Steps to reproduce
setup duration of first queue event to 38
call into the queue and listen if there will be a delay after playing 2 files
setup duration of first queue event to 39
call into the queue and listen if there will be a delay after playing 2 filesActual behavior
There is delay after the end of playing 2 files…
16 votes -
Dark mode feature
We greatly need a dark mode feature. the white screens are so tiring on the eyes all day. Night mode on the computer itself helps a bit but having a complete dark mode feature for ringcentral is the remedy.
15 votes -
Customer Journey Cradle-to-Grave Report
The request is for RingCX to have a Customer Journey Cradle-to-Grave Report, showing the start to finish and reporting on Pivots between channels. If it is a telephone call the detail should focus on the contact, even if the call is transferred between agents, put on hold, etc. If it pertains to a phone call and also includes digital channels, then the digital channel information can be added as a follow up from the call.
15 votes -
Support Edge Browser
Currently Edge is not supported. Request to have it officially supported.
15 votes -
QM – Evaluation Notifications – More Than One User
When a user submits an evaluation, only the person being evaluated receives the notification via the QM Tool that a new evaluation is ready to review. We should be able to choose additional people to receive a notification, like the agent's supervisor, for example. More than one person should be able to receive the notification.
15 votes -
14 votes
14 votes
Callback feature: add the ability for caller to record their name/message for support call back feature
When a customer is on hold an announcement informs them they can press 1 to hold their place in the queue for a call back. The next available agent receives the callback but, has no indication of who called or who to ask for when the call is completed. Is it possible for the caller to be able to leave a voicemail or at least a name?
14 votes -
Use RingEX minutes for contact centre outbound dialling
The request is for an RC Contact Centre agent to be able to make an outbound call via the RingEX platform carrier services.
13 votes -
Enhance the Lead Load Report
I do think it would be helpful if the dialer gave a response showing what record/field/specific text was in error and exactly where it stopped loading files containing errors. Is this something that could be added to the upload?
13 votes -
QM - Evaluation Notifications – Need Via Email
When a user submits an evaluation, only the person who was evaluated receives a notification, and it’s via the system, but not via email. I’d like to request that the system email the user an email notification that a new evaluation is ready to review.
12 votes -
WFM Pro - Ability for skills in ACD module and WFM skills to sync.
It would be great for staffing and data integrity, if when an agents skills are updated in the ACD module, that would get reflected in what WEM Skills that they are associated with so that if they get added/removed from the skills that the system uses to deliver interactions, it would reflect in the staffing headcounts without manually having to try and maintain that.
12 votes -
AI/NLU for Voice Bots (IVR)
AI/NLU integration to drive Voice Bot (IVR) solutions using Google AI/NLU engines (or other AI/NLU engines available) to create a similar experience as a chatbot.
11 votes -
WFM Pro - Meeting Scheduler - Recurring Meetings
It would be a huge time saver we would be able to creating recurring meetings from the meeting scheduler and then be able to edit a single occurrence or all occurrences in that series similar to Outlook meetings.
11 votes -
Ability to Route Contact Center calls back to RingEX Queues
Request is for an automatically redundant way to deliver calls to the Contact Center when a disruption occurs, which could be software or transport. It could be an audio path in the SBC that route the inbound calls from RingEX to RCCC and, if RCCC is not available, then those calls can route to an RC UC hunt group and still be delivered to those agents.
10 votes
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