1186 results found
No option to cancel/undo in Studio Editor Tool
Missing options for the IVR or Script Studio editor to cancel or undo an action. The UI only presents Save & Close when editing an element and Save for the overall Studio tool.
3 votes -
Add Location Information to DFO / Digital Channels
Adding Location and Country information to the interaction details displayed to agents would be helpful for some customers as part of the authentication process and to prevent fraud.
1 vote -
Disposition Export/Import - Manager
Please provide the ability to export dispositions natively from the EV Admin portal, and then to be able to modify that file and to also import that format to modify/add new dispositions. Alternatively, see if there's a way to provide a centralized manager for dispositions, that way they can be assigned to queues/campaigns and can be edited just once if the need arises. Current process doesn't always allow for bulk editing and it is currently a very time consuming task.
10 votes -
Corporate Directory for Yealink T41S
Our customer with User ID: 63422418004 wants to set up a Corporate Directory for their Yealink T41S. Yealink T41S is not on the list of the supported phones to have a Corporate Directory.
2 votes -
Unified id for apps in contact center
Please add a global id for agent's in NICE CX-ONE contact center, at the moment ACD uses its own id, WFM has no none, QM has their own but is not the same as in ACD, so we can create a Dashboard that can show results from across apps of an agent or a team in the contact center.
9 votes -
Report on number of emails\interactions created per domain for a channel
We would like to report on the numbers of emails\interactions received per domain within an email on Engage Digital for a specified time period. For example we would select a channel, choose a time frame (for example the last 30 days) and the report would provide us data on how many emails were received from an @boeing.com, @amazon.com, @travelctm.com, or @gmail.com address. This could be a prebuilt report or functionality to do so via Advanced Analytics\Dashboard. Currently we can export raw data and manually work with it to find to find this information.
1 vote -
WFM - Allow notes from request to appear in the schedule
When team members put in requests, it gives them the option of putting in comments, however from an administrator perspective handling the requests, you only have the ability to hover to see those comments. It would be great to have the option fpr the system to copy those comments to the schedule if that request gets approved.
5 votes -
Report on Quick Reply Template Use
It would be very valuable intel to have the ability to report on the number of each specific Quick Reply email template is used to answer an inbound Email Contact
5 votes -
Remove Number Assignment field when creating Digital Queues
There is an option for Number Assignment for Digital Queues which is not clear, as a phone number would not apply to a Digital Queue. If this is only for SMS queues, there should be some indication in the UI for its use.
2 votes -
Clarify options in Requeue Shortcuts Main Panel
Requeue Shortcuts main panel displays a dropdown list with 2 options for Requeue Shortcut Groups. The default is Advanced, but the UI shows a message asking the user to "Please verify the Requeue Type - This feature will only work if the Requeue Type above is set to 'Shortcut'."
If this option doesn't work, there should not be an option for the user to select it. Additionally, if you select the Shortcut option, there is nothing else on the page other than a message saying "There are no Configured Shortcut Groups" and it is unclear where those are configured.2 votes -
Agent Tool Rewording/Clarification
Organization of Agent Tools is not very clear. Knowledge Base is under Voice, but should apply to any interaction type and Email Templates is under Voice, but Email is a Digital interaction type.
2 votes -
Notify user if other user already editing IVR (and other IVR editor improvements)
There should be a visible indication if you open IVR Studio and someone else has it open already. The current UI shows Cancel and Save buttons disabled which does not necessarily indicate that another user has it open. The page should display a message indicating it's being edited and by whom. All configuration changes should also be included in the Audit log records.
2 votes -
More clear to quicklinks and help pages
It is unclear how to get back to the Quick Links & Help page seen when first logging in. Users have to click on the logo on the top of the window to get there. Links on that page should also be available on the left navigation bar. The current experience forces the user to remember where to go to access something not found in the left navigation menu. There needs to be a single source of resources for users to access and needs to be consolidated.
2 votes -
Improve Zoom/Scrolling Behavior
When using a touchpad that supports 2-finger scrolling, the workspace zooms and the position of the items moves to left and up so you have to use the mouse to move things around instead of scrolling. It's very difficult to navigate and the zoom is too granular to be useful.
2 votes -
In Pop-up window, unable to view all options
The edit pop-up windows for nodes gets cut off and forces the user to maximum browser window to see all the options and Save button. The window can't be moved so there is no other way to see all options which adds steps to a user's workflow. This is inconsistent from Script Studio, which only shows a maximized pop-up.
2 votes -
Correct inconsistent experiences in Agent Scripting Editor
Several areas of the agent scripting editor are not consistent with the UI of IVR scripting. Editing properties of a widget window, widget naming, JavaScript editor window, etc.
2 votes -
Improve Text to Speech w/o requiring recording audio prompts and calling APIs via JavaScript
Goal is to extend the use of Text to Speech for Get input and Play audio widgets. Current use is limited to Say var. This would give an option that doesn't require recording audio prompts and would improve speed to deploy script changes on deployment and in production.
2 votes -
Improve ability to remove widget link
It is difficult to select a widget link to remove it. The selection hot spot is limited to the arrowhead and there is no visual indication it was selected nor is there any indication that you can delete or move it.
2 votes -
Improve Knowledgebase Usability
The article editor is limited in features and can't be resized. That makes it difficult to create/edit more complex articles.
2 votes -
ACO Contact Center Voice chrome ext built.
The customer needs an ACO app equivalent to the RCCCV chrome ext where the auto answer feature is built in. In order to utilize a feature like this, they need an ACO Contact Center Voice chrome ext built.
4 votes
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