Add Remote Control feature to RC Desktop App - Video
It appears this was a feature in the Meetings App, but is not available in the current version of the Desktop App and our account does not allow us to run Meetings.This is helpful when staff are in a video meeting and they want to hand off control to another presenter or tech support person.

Joel commented
Would like to have a remote access feature in RingCentral Video (RCV). Don't have way to get the standalone RingCentral Meetings app. We badly need the remote access.
Lindsey commented
This was the only reason we continued to stick with RC. Off to Zoom for now at least, bummer
Joel commented
We would like to have a remote access in RingCentral Video
Karen commented
The screens don't match what's in the help documentation. Can't find the settings in the Web to enable anything. And trying to talk a new user through remote control is a ridiculously bad experience
Robert commented
We could use a Remote control while video call screen sharing. I tought that this existed in the past but now it is no where to be found.
Craig commented
Please merge in CUSTCOM-I-4412. I searched, but was using different terminology when I created my idea. I later found this existing idea.
Craig commented
We use Avaya Custom Office (ACO)/RingCentral. Within the "ACO" app we have the ability to host meetings (under the "Video" category). When in such a meeting, there appears to be no way for the organizer to give control of the keyboard and mouse to another participant. This capability would be good to have.
Mark commented
Hello. I am transitioning from RingCentral Meetings to RingCentral Office. It was by complete surprise when I realized I could not pass control of the keyboard and mouse during a video meeting using RingCentral Office. I could easily perform this task using RingCentral Meetings. This functionality needs to be carried forward.Thank You for the consideration.
Jennifer Heath commented
Pls add this feature back!!! Why in the world did you remove it in the first place?!?
Rafael commented
i would like to have remote access on my meetings
Harrison commented
Our company frequently used the Give/Request Remote Controll (or Access) feature on Ring Central Meetings Desktop. We've since migrated over to Ring Central Video for everything we do, and we were greatly dissapointed to see this feature missing. We would love to see this feature added into the new app, as we use it frequently for our business.
Shannon commented
Hi Jessica,
I noticed another show stopper for us in RCV. We can���t share audio during a meeting. We produce videos and need to be able to share them during meetings but cannot because we don���t have the option to share sound when using the app.
Best regards,
ShannonShannon Simonson
+1 319 398 3376 (main)
+1 319 777 7204 (direct)
advancementresources.orgPronouns (she/her/hers)
Paul commented
Hello Ring Central,
Has this feature in fact been committed for release during 4Q2021? Hope so! It is an essential feature.
Paul Ellett
954-816-6757 -
Joel commented
We also found this to be an essential feature in the old app. We uninstalled the new one and redownload the old app and now have it working. If that was not available we would need to switch apps as well. Please bring it back.
Maggie commented
This is useful for virtual training to provide interaction with the trainees.
Randy commented
This functionality is needed for the desktop app. We are moving away to a different solution because of it.
Sean commented
Just FYI, it looks like you can revert back to Meetings to get back the remote control feature . In the desktop client, go to Settings - Video - Video service and select RingCentral Meetings from the drop-down menu. To reset your users as an admin, go to the online Admin Portal and click Meetings - Video Service.
Lisa commented
When the meetings app announced it was being discontinued, I did what it told me to do. Download the new app. I downloaded and meetings was gone. Video was in its place. I had my first meeting in it and discovered that I could not take remote control of the employee's mouse. I understand that it is not currently a feature in video but you are looking at implementing it. Why would you take away a valuable tool in meetings without it being active in videos? You need to do more voice of the customer sessions and pay attention to what your customers use before getting rid of it.
Lisa commented
We were using meetings to take control of a company computer and work on it remotely. Why you would discontinue meetings and say that you will inable that feature in video in the future makes no sense to me. I guess it is time to move to Teams.
Jayne commented
When we do training with video calls, we have our clients share their screen. The ability to take control of their screen would be very helpful. We can do this on gotomeeting.