Transcripts for Meetings >2 hours
When meetings go over 2 hours, the recording is still saved, but the transcript just disappears and becomes completely unavailable after the meeting. I encountered this issue the 'hard way' and it was frustrating because I got no advance warning about this limit. It doesn't even make sense, since the recording over 2 hours takes many gigabytes of storage, while the transcript is text and takes almost no space to store. The idea that it gets flushed at 2 hours is very counter-intuitive. There should be a warning advising to manually copy/download the partial transcript at 2 hours and before closing the meeting. Or the transcripts could just be truncated instead of deleted at the 2 hour mark. Or the first chunk of transcripts could be saved, and then a new transcript started after 2 hours and save that subsequent 'chunk' as though its own meeting. Or anything to avoid just loosing the transcript.