Automatic bidirectional message translation in RingEX based on a users regional settings
In RingEX, we currently only have the ability to translate a message when composing it. However, I would like to suggest the following feature ideas for future consideration:
The ability to translate an inbound message in RingEX. Currently, the only option is to copy and paste the message into Google Translate or a similar tool.
When we have bidirectional translation, I would like to suggest automatically translating a message when it is in a language different from the recipient's language (based on the user's regional settings in RingEX).
For the automatic translation suggestion mentioned above in 2, I propose adding the ability for a user to view the original message in the language it was composed in and/or translate it to a different language.

Bruce Miller commented
Definitely required.
Melodie commented
I know that all my French customers would love this feature!
Gerd commented
Very useful for chatting with customers located in different countries + a competitive advantage
Daniel commented
great Idea, and in line with the AI transition of our products