Ability to search by phone numbers without having to follow a specific format
Ability to search by a customer's phone number in the search bar without having to follow a specific format. Right now the search bar seems overly dependent on the number format (w/ plus sign, hyphenated, etc.)
Amir commented
I see that it says implemented as of 4/18/24. This does not appear to be the case after trying to search a phone number formated with () or -. Only when there are only numbers does it pull up the call if it exists. It is still a global search bar, but a search bar dedicated only to phone number search might be best.
Amir commented
This feature should be the top priority for any call center. Searching by the customer's phone number is the fastest way to pull up a call. As team managers when reviewing an agent's performance, the first place we look is in their CRM lists of contacts and sold clients, then from their straight to pulling up the exact call via phone number. We should be able to enter the number in any format, whether its, (***) ***-*** or ***-***-xxxx or xxxxxxxxxx. Each of these10 10-digit phone number formats should search 'Caller ID' only and not be a Global search of all content/data, including transcripts, Q&A, Trackers, etc. Phone numbers can be in any format, and only searches for phone numbers - that is what we need.