Improve customer's call back response notification for RingCentral For MS Team
We are using the RC integration into teams. If someone calls and we press reply and choose "I will call you back in 10 minutes", it says that phrase to the customer.
The customer then has 5 options, for example, press 2 to leave a voicemail, 3 to respond Yes, 4 to respond No, or 5 to respond "Call me Urgently".
If the customer chooses 3, 4 or 5, we are only getting a notification if the user has the RC tab in Teams open at the time. If they have teams open but are on the chat page, the notification from the customer is never shown, not even when they click the RC tab later.
This is a real problem especially if the customer has chosen 5 for urgent callback.
Can we either disable the option for the customer to choose one of those 3 prompts or can you help us fix it so that the prompt is always received somehow?