Zoom Integration
It would be great that RingCentral had some sort of integration with Zoom and other similar companies like zoom. So that we could provide a link or meeting code to people that use Zoom. Not everyone wants to join using RingCentral or have had issues with it in the past, so they are reluctant to get on a call or video call unless they use their platform. Having an option to provide them a link so they can connect to a RC call via Zoom would be great. This integration would be good for the app, RC video and RC rooms. For our organization we run into this when using RC video for our conference rooms. All the software we use in those rooms run RC only, so when we get a Zoom request our rooms become useless because none of our hardware or software can run it. So it would be good to have this type of integration to be able to use this software at anytime no matter the platform being used.