Sync part of corporate Microsoft/Google Directory
Boulanger has a need to integrate a phone contact list. This will be for vendors, partners, other stores etc.The need here is to provide all RC users with an external contact list. Those contacts are not RC users. Two solutions are possible : 1 - either integrate a flat file so that each user is able to retrieve this list. But then this could lead to discrepancies : all users may not upload the file or when a number changes or a contact changes then this file need to be re uploaded.2 - the second solution would be to have this list referenced in an external Directory. Ideal solution would be a group or a Global Address List in Microsoft/Google Directory. So that this Global Address List could be syncronized by each user (this would be an enhancement of the feature that enable End users to be able to access their Microsoft Global Address List & Google Directory contacts if they sign in their Microsoft/Google account in desktop app released in july 2021 = is a highly wanted feature by Boulanger with 8000 users and 896 000 USD ARR, and other prospects and customers as well.