MS Teams integration cannot search keywords in SMS & phone directory excludes phone numbers
As of 6/14/22, my entire company has abandoned the MS Teams and RingCentral integration for the Ring Central Desktop App because (1) we cannot search for keywords in SMS messages in the integration and (2) the phone directory only displays active RC members and excludes personal contact phone numbers or any contacts other than Ring Central members. Its frustrating for my users to have to go back and forth between the RC Desktop App and the MS Teams integration to do searches, when the point of an integration is to have everything centralized in one place. I called support and they told me the SMS integration is a chat bot and an add-in, so it is not connected to Teams and will only display previous text messages with no search function. Calling and SMS are beta features. There is a plan to improve this SMS beta feature, but they have no roadmap. Please improve the integration to include SMS searches AND the ability to search all phone numbers as it is in the Ring Central Desktop Application. Mirror the functionality of the RC app before rolling out the integration, instead of just rolling it out and removing these 2 key features.