BT Epos Integration
It would be better to have Epos Integration on BT Cloudwork. This integration is not supported on BT yet.

AROMA commented
We need to connect to our epos server
GOLDEN commented
How long the feature will be approved so that our system (Qorder) in our shop can work efficiently, i.e: when customer called, our Qorder system will show their caller ID?
SHUI commented
i dont think many people know about this place but to have something thats not working yet still paying for is not right.
i have join the cloud service since JAN yet this issues still not been fix or any update.
been calling BT since FEB to have someone to go to the address have a look, just like my other shop.(yet then fix it in one go the other shop) while this second shop i have just not working at all.
please HELP!! this is costing me time, money and energy. everyday with more time taking orders is costing a lot when it added up...
Junnar Palacio commented
EPOS System Integration on BT Cloud Work using BT Cisco ATA192.