Terminology for some of the reporting needs to be updated.
The descriptions that RC uses are not the greatest and need to be changed. For instance, when it says "Refused," that would imply that the agent refused/declined the call, which is not typically the case. If they happened to "miss" a call because they stepped away without changing their status, then they were marked as refused, which isn't the case. Those calls should be marked as missed and not refused.
The same applies to the term abandoned as that would imply that the call hit the queue during business hours, and they hung before our team answered it. Calls should never be marked as abandoned outside of business hours because it actually affects our stats as if we had control over that abandoned call, which we actually didn't. Abandoned calls should only be counted during business hours. Anything else, needs to categorized as After Hours or something else. Executives will see the abandoned status and assume the team did wrong.