Billing Cost Center data can't be downloaded to excel or csv.
The new "Billing portal" is equally as useless as the old one. RingCentral has a beautiful cost center feature which breaks down our bill perfectly. However if I can't get this data in a CSV file it is not beneficial for us.
Please allow us the ability to download our bills in csv format, or at least the first 3 pages.

Todd commented
Your customers should be able to export billing data adhoc to csv or excel instead of being forced to provide these useless PDF files to accounting departments for manual entry into accounting systems instead of being able to import directly in. 40+ years IT and I've never seen an accounting system that imports billing details as a pdf file.
Admins (both billing and super admins) should have the ability to create a billing report with the columns they see fit to be useful, and save/export that to csv.