7 results found
Mute In-Call Voice Notifications for Call Recording & Transcripts On
If you are automatically recording a phone call, then go to toggle on SmartNotes you will receive two voice notifications if a customer calls in.
The initial where you hear "This call is being recorded" then an additional voice notification, "Transcript turned on".
There really should be an option to disable the transcript turned on message as it already notified that this message is being recorded.
Two voice notifications back to back only confuses the client calling in.
70 votes -
Ability to support multiple instances of a CRM/CRMs for one customer
Many organizations have multiple separated instances of CRMs. Currently, RingSense is not able to support this. With the ability to support multiple, the deals, coaching and trackers would only allow managers to see the data relevant to their team and CRM instance.
14 votes -
RingCX Section 508 Compliance Agent side
In keeping with ADA and Compliance, Section 508 will require that the RingCX agent interface jumps to the new message versus putting a blue bubble down arrow when the external party sends a digital communication. NOTE: a visually impaired agent using software like Jaws may not be notified of a new message from the external party unless the new message triggers the disability software like jaws to trigger because the screen has changed when it jumps to the latest message.
2 votes -
Highlight Calls
Highlight the calls the you have open or that you have reviewed in the Team or All Calls page.
5 votes -
Easier Navigation to Access Coaching Information
Goal is for a Supervisor to be able to see their managers' coaching capabilities. For example, to be able to select a range of dates and click to be able to see feedback and coaching themes without having to drill too deeply.
6 votes -
"Share" button not automatically enabled when UI detects email address
When attempting to share a call externally, the platform currently requires the end user to type in an email address + a comma or to press "Enter" for the Share button to appear. It would be much for intuitive for the UI to automatically recognize an email address has been added and highlight the "Share" button to send.
5 votes -
RingSense Dashboard based landing page to drive adoption and insight
It is imperative to give a better landing page with a Dashboard when we open RingSense (for Sales) with the most relevant information to give guidance to the end userA Dashboard for Coaching will allow the manager know progress on his/her coaching, alerts he/she needs to pay attention It is imperative to give a better landing page with a Dashboard when we open RingSense (for Sales) with the most relevant information to give guidance to the end userA Dashboard for Coaching will allow the manager know progress on his/her coaching, alerts he/she needs to pay attention
54 votes
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