Annual Stat Report with Month and Quarters Totals
One report to bind them all...The Analytics system has an inconsistency, and a need for a new Annual Report.The Subscription option is out of sync - you have setting for a report of Last Quarter, which is great, but the only option for E-mailing that subscription is weekly or monthly. There needs to be a Quarterly setting for when a report would be e-mailed. You don't want a Last Quarter report sent to you every month, that makes no sense. But ultimately, there should be a report that can be sent automatically once a year, with the entire "Last Year" of data. That "Year" should be able to be defined by the user for what the starting month of the Last Year is (for example, January, or April as many companies run for their budget year). The content should have monthly total columns, and quarterly total columns, then the YTD total.