Need Reports Greater than 6 months, Need one year
I would like to run a report on the inbound calls thus far in 2020 and get data on our Inbound calls and if they have increased month by month and which months after COVID started impacting us in Mid-March and see the impact on our employees phone useage from working from home.

This capability will be released for historical call storage up to 36 months offered in our Business Analytics solution in Q3
Erick commented
This is critical for our business to be able to monitor our operations and compare our KPIs year over year! We will need to find another provider if this is not part of the solution you are offering.
Martin commented
definately we need a 18 to 24 months reporting as we need to compare data YoY that is must when you manage a data center otherwise we will look for another tool.
Odell commented
We are a corporate travel agency that needs to provide annual KPI reporting to our corporate clients. It's a HUGE letdown to see the data gets purged after 6 months. This definitely needs to be increased to at least 24 months.
Collin commented
My team is often asking about what things were like a year ago when planning for next year, and the current analytics are useless for that because the data has always expired. Please increase to 12 months. 24 would be ideal, but 12 would be a huge help.