True "All" option in User filter on Performance Reports
Current functionality:The "Name" checkbox to include all users in the Users/Groups/Depts/IVRs/Queues filter seems to be setting the filter value to a static list of all current users. If I had saved a report yesterday that included all users, and we onboarded a few new team members today (including having them added to the phone system), the saved report does not include those incoming users. Instead, the filter maintains the static list that was set based on yesterday's users.The new users show up in the filter now, but I must manually add them to the list of included users either by checking them individually or by hitting the "Name" checkbox again.The result is that any Subscriptions I have set up to email saved performance reports are missing the new user data. To keep them up-to-date, I have to edit the report configuration every time we onboard a new team member.Proposed functionality:Rather than functionally compiling a list of current user names to query from underlying data, the "Name" checkbox to include all users should clear the filter (effectively an Include All or an Exclude None), such that incoming users are by default included in the saved report.The result would be much lower maintenance on report subscriptions when new team members are being onboarded nearly every other day.