Enhanced Performance Report: Incorporating Missed Calls in Call Queue KPIs
We propose integrating missed calls into the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the Performance Report for Call Queues. Currently, the report lacks visibility on missed calls for Call Queue Group Extension, hindering effective analysis of call queue efficiency. By incorporating missed call data into the report, supervisors can gain comprehensive insights into call queue performance, enabling them to address bottlenecks and optimize resource allocation for enhanced customer service. This addition would empower teams to better manage call traffic and improve overall productivity within the call queue environment.
Helen commented
I also want to know missed calls that were inbound, not including the missed calls that were picked up and transferred and missed.
DeAnna commented
I second this idea. On the Queue report, it will show missed/refused count but when you drill into the User section, that data is not available. It would be nice to know which queue members are going above and beyond and which members need coaching or incentive to pick up more calls that are offered. Our management teams have complained about this missing metric many times.