289 results found
RE: "Edit Task" Window - Create a way to expand the "description" field
On RC Classic: When you open a task to edit it, you are able to click and hold a corner button that allows expansion of the field. This feature does not exist in the new app. Why it's useful: When you have a lot more information to add to a task than just a few sentences, it becomes tedious to have to scroll through the tiny window to see what I've been typing.
9 votes -
Support batch requests in the Team Messaging REST API
Currently chat posts have to be fetched for each conversation. This takes a lot of time, and becomes even slower when behind a request queue to avoid rate-limiting issues.Please add support for batch requests for GetPosts, as well as any other endpoints that make sense to do so.
5 votes -
Separate Directories in Multi-Site Environment
Many customers use have a multi-site tenant and, at times, each independent agency is an individual business. So the user directories need to be segregated by group or by site - one group should not be able to see the phone extensions at another site.
55 votes -
Able to see what RC Application that user are using (Mobile or PC app).
If RC is going to retire or sunset a application the customer need to be able to tell if any of the user are using the retire application.
13 votes -
Remove the announcement to announce yourself when doing a conference call
With the newest RingCentral update, we are having all 3 parties on a simple conference call, hear a notice to announce yourself to join a call. This is not a meeting that we've scheduled, it's a simple connection of 3 people. We should have the option to remove this. We were given a workaround to hit *#8 to remove the announcement. We are making hundreds of conference calls per day. This is not a good solution. We need this addressed ASAP. Not sure how you can make a global update like this and not get input from your users who…
24 votes -
Rejecting Call Queues, send to VM
We have a few users. We offer the option for callers to press 1 to call everyone simultaneously so that the first available user can get the call. If any individual user rejects a call in the queue, RingCentral waits five seconds and then rings the same user again, over and over, until it goes to voicemail or the caller hangs up. Would be nice if rejecting the call took the user out of the queue for that incoming call, and if all users rejected the call, the caller would be sent to voicemail.
99 votes -
Ability to send a Scheduled Glip message
To offer a feature that allows end users to schedule a Glip message to another user. Globally enabling people to send a scheduled Glip message while alleviating message sender concerns about a message notification interrupting the recipient outside of their business hours. (Glip message notifications do not follow user hours).
13 votes -
Position in Queue, Estimated wait time, and Call queue caller call back feature
In order to reduce missed calls in call queues, an option for clients to push '1' for a callback but keep their place in line is needed.
198 votes -
Change View of Tasks
My RingCentral app is always open in a 1/4 of one of my screens. Now, when I click on tasks I can see so much information that I don't need but can't see the actual task. Suggesting the ability to hide columns or change the width. If I've already filtered to see my tasks why do I also need to see the assignee as well? I've tried zooming out - which does allow me to see more... I would also like the name of the task to text wrap. Thanks
4 votes -
Caller ID name for outgoing text message
looking for out going caller ID name feature for text message. that is not currently available. Please add this feature.
16 votes -
Add Logitech Headset support (BETA) to the RC App
The app has Headset support for Jabra and Plantronics Hub. Please extend this support to Logitech, so we can take advantage of the call control buttons on those devices too.
45 votes -
Text to Speech for voice mail greeting
In addition to recording or uploading a voicemail greeting, a nice option would be to have the ability to type it and have the text-to-speech voice read it. This would allow someone to quickly update their greeting without having to re-record themselves if there are any background noises.Thank you
22 votes -
Send Text to RingCentral Number through Email
Most carriers I have worked with have the ability to send text messages to a phone number by sending an email. According to RC support this feature is not currently available. Would be a nice addition, especially for developers.Examples:##########@messaging.sprintpcs.com##########@vtext.com##########@txt.att.net
101 votes -
Integrate business impacting alarms in RC portal for proactive action
Business impacting high and critical severity SBC/gateway alarms should be integrated with RC portal to take proactive action and to minimise the outage.From customer stand point, alarm integration would also help to segregate the issue on timely manner.
1 vote -
Allow Call Queue members to change queue status for desktop app
We have two call queues that our internal help desk can be a part of. There is a feature to allow the queue members to select which queue they want to take calls for. This currently only applies to the mobile app, however my team uses the desktop app exclusively.
3 votes -
Ring Central really needs to integrate with a Calendar App.
I have been searching high and low. We have Acuity and there is only a Zapier type of thing but it doesn't do anything to help. This is HUGE Zoom integrate with all Calendar apps.
10 votes -
Add Paging Groups in RC App
We use paging groups to unlock doors in the building. We have SIP relays connected to the doors. If a visitor calls from the entrance, once we disconnect the intercom, we dial *84 and then 14 to unlock the lobby door. If we could have the paging groups in the RC app, we could click the paging group and unlock the door from either the desktop or mobile app. Paging groups don't show up in the new software, but they did in the legacy software?
14 votes -
want to edit my fax tone
i want to edit my fax tone on a short sound . Let me explain a little more . i want to remove the voicemail on the fax to a short sound tone.
1 vote -
Call log for transferred calls
In the "All Calls" section, having a transferred calls section would be helpful. I answer incoming calls. Knowing what I have done with that call would be nice. I have to keep a monthly call log on paper as to who I transferred it to, if I hung up because it was a dead or sales call, wrong number, etc. In a perfect world I could type in an extension and see how many calls I transferred to that particular extension.
7 votes -
Add an Ignore button so calls can be forwarded while on the Mobile App.
The calls currently ring over any calls I am on and I can't make it stop if I want my customers to be forwarded. I can only select send to voicemail.
9 votes
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