945 results found
Salesforce Mtaching fields
We are currently using a custom field on our Opportunity object for matching related cases. Is there a way to use multiple fields for matching? For example, sometimes we contact clients on their main phone number, but they also have an alternate phone number too. We'd like communication with either their main or alternate phone numbers to return matches in RingCentral. Is this possible, or can you only match using one phone number field?
Thank you!
1 vote -
Auto-Answer in Salesforce RingEx
Would be great if Auto-Answer in Salesforce is also available in RingEx and not just in RingCx/CC account
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We would like to play an announcement or text to speech, while using the API to make a call.
We would like to play an announcement or text to speech, such as "Your document has expired." Kindly provide a revised version as soon as you can. We can play "Thank You" while using the API to make a call.
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Dynamics ticket
Ability to assign the tickjet to the user who take in the all and not the main admin
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Dynamics 365 Call Logs - "Regarding" field
Ability to add the Regarding call disposition on Create Call Log tool for Dynamics to RC Integrations
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Netsuite ticket creation
customer would like to have an ability where netsuite can automatically create a case during inbound call
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User Provisioning should not have a welcome Email
Provisioning the Users from Azure to be added in RC Users should not require them to setup their account like creating password, PIN and SQ since they are going to login only using SSO.
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we use woo delivery could you please connect it with ring central
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Click to Dial on Hubspot mobile
Would like to have the ability to just tap on a phone number on an email or in Hubspot mobile and will dial out in RingCentral app
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RingCentral for Outlook using New Outlook
Currently, the RingCentral for Outlook integration is only visible using the old Outlook layout.
It would be great if we have the option to have this available in the new Outlook layout.
Per Microsoft KB: COM Add-ins will not be supported in the new Outlook for Windows but will continue to work in classic Outlook for Windows.
6 votes -
Provide features to personalize the default logging of a subject line.
I would love to be able to personalize the default subject line logged for an SMS in Salesforce. Notably, if I could make it "SMS with <name>" or--even better--"SMS about <x>" from the first line in my notes or something of the like.
6 votes -
AI notes from RingCentral automatically loaded into Advyzon
Some have suggested this for other integrations - just throwing the hat in the ring for all Advyzon users!
1 vote -
Marked as call answered instead of missed | Dynamics365
As of now this behavior is by design when queue ring settings is set to ring 'Longest Idle', as for the customers to know that the queue call was answered elsewhere the call history is marked as call answered instead of missed.
2 votes -
We'd like to integrate with our CRM https://www.sunbasedata.com/
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Ability to make changes on the main super admin without disbaling the SCIM
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HubSpot Contacts for Unknown Numbers
HubSpot keeps saving new inbound calls as contacts on BT Account whenever we receive a call from Unknown numbers. It would be best it to relate those Unknown numbers to existing contacts
6 votes -
Display Settings in Salesforce
(1) Unresponsive SMS 'Related To' field but has matching Phone Fields
(2) Inbound and outbound call activity will not save to Prospect or Account records when logged.It would be great if these features are available!
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RC for Salesforce - Using Matter as a Case for call logging
We want to use our created object in Salesforce called as Matter instead of using Case when creating call logs and all the activity should be added in the chatter field
2 votes -
contractor foreman
Would be great to get an integration with Contractor Foreman
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1 vote
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