Outbound Automatic Voicemail Drop
Be able to leave a pre-recorded voicemail as soon as you hear a "beep" and move on to your next call. In other words, make outbound call and instead of waiting for someone to pick; drop an automated or prerecorded message for the second party to call you back, while you move on to your next dial up call.

Sean commented
I'd pay for this service if available.
Brian commented
We really need this voicemail drop feature ASAP. :)
Mariusz commented
Let's get this done already!
John commented
this feature would save us so much time when making 100 + calls a day how many compalints do you need to add this
Michael commented
Standard in other software
Louis commented
I cannot believe y'all have not added this feature. It has been 5 years. Hurry up before more clients leave y'all
Jerry commented
My former employers phone had the ability for us to prerecord VM's. So we can drop same VM when calling out instead of verbally saying the same VM 100 times every day.
Jon commented
Outbound dialing via applications is easy, next step, voicemail drop.
Daniel commented
can't believe this isn't a feature yet in such a competitive market
Diane commented
Thats the one reason Im switching. No Outbound Voicemail drop
Twana commented
I had this feature with other providers and it was amazing to not repeat myself literally 100 times per day. I have been able to have a variety of prerecorded drops and it was a life saver. Please Please implement!
Doreen commented
I believe this is an important feature as some of our clients have a have a hard time reading text messages and are most likely to miss them. Voicemail however can easily be seen and listened to so they can get back to us if they have any concerns.
Joseph commented
This would be especially helpful if there was a bulk aspect to it, if I could leave a prerecorded message to many phone numbers at once my team and I would see a significant rise in sales, this would provide a lot of VALUE
Angela commented
does Ring Central have the ability to drop a pre recorded voicemail message on an outbound phone call
Tanner commented
I leave a lot of voicemails to people saying the exact same thing. For example, "Hello, this is Tanner with Self Storage Solutions, calling regarding the rent owed on your unit. Please give me a call as soon as possible, as I would like to get this resolved ASAP. Our number is (701) 532-2200. Thank you!"There are a couple of other generic voicemails I leave people, and it would be nice to, rather than saying that, simply pressing 1 on the keypad, and a pre-set voicemail is sent to them.Does this make sense?Thank you!Tanner
VM commented
a pre-recorded voicemail — is literally ‘dropping’ a pre-recorded message into someone’s voicemail inbox. Helpful for not having to repeat the same thing many times
Paul commented
Functionality to pre record an outbound voicemail to leave as a message when people do not pick up.
General Mailbox commented
An audio message can be droped to my prospects voice mail and if they need my services they can call back. At the same time send an sms to the same number with the same written or audio message.
Anonymous commented
this voice be a great timesaver feature to be able to leave single voicemail drops with individual calls.
Harry commented
We work at an outbound call center. When we call, rather than leaving the same voicemails for our prospects, it would be wonderful if we could just choose which voicemail we want to leave and let the pre-recorded message play for the voicemail to the prospect.