Outbound Automatic Voicemail Drop
Be able to leave a pre-recorded voicemail as soon as you hear a "beep" and move on to your next call. In other words, make outbound call and instead of waiting for someone to pick; drop an automated or prerecorded message for the second party to call you back, while you move on to your next dial up call.

Georgia commented
Has this idea been looked into yet, can see it was an idea in May 2020!When making outbound calls and the caller doesn't answer, to be able to leave a pre-recorded voicemail
General Mailbox commented
all telemarketers. and any person who uses the phone extensively.
Freedom commented
This feature would be very helpful
The HomeDepot commented
It's incredibly time consuming to have to continually leave VMs as a salesperson who needs to contact 40+ customers a day. Would be great to have the ability with a press of a button to leave a pre-recorded message and move on to the next call. Many platforms have this.
Richie commented
Please make a feature, so I can lead a pre recorded voicemail when a prospect does not answer the phone. Typically, with other providers, I have been able to pre record 5-20 voicemails, and drop them when someone does not answer. I just called in and learned that Ring Central does not have that functionality.