Retain and Assign Site to Inventory Numbers
We have many sites that have their own set of purchased and reserved numbers. If we move the numbers to inventory, I don't see a way to assign a "company" number to a site once in inventory. If I assign a spare number to the site it belongs to it shows up as the selected site but loses the site and goes to "Company" when brought back into inventory. We are moving numbers from Auto Receptionist to get rid of the long list of numbers available in CallerID list. Some of our inventory numbers have a site set and I can filter by site in inventory list but can't set a number to a specific site once in inventory.
Rocco commented
ssue: Difficult to manage number inventory and identify which numbers belong to which site resulting in cost center billing issues
Request: Have an option within phone system > phone numbers > number inventory - to be able to assign the number to a specific site while remaining in inventory.
Current workaround: Customer has to assign the number as a site extension in order to have it listed under the correct site it belongs to. This removes it from their number inventory and makes it difficult to identify which numbers are not in use since doing this workaround results in them moving out of number inventory and into numbers in use.
Wishlist item: Along with being able to assign numbers that are in inventory to the correct site, to be able to assign the ALN license to the number so when exporting licenses they show as in use -
Rick commented
This is needed also for billing cleanup and having our team easily access the spare numbers for a site that are available to assign to user changes. It would be great to move this up the list for completion as soon as possible.