Allow a Call Queue to disable voicemail
We'd like the option that if no reps are available to take a customer call, that the user simply be told that no reps are currently available and to try again later. Currently, that message is ONLY available if the queue (min 5 callers) is full. We need the ability to have this message if literally no one is available regardless if they are the only customer in the queue.

Dispatch After Hours commented
1.) requesting a feature for a call queue group ext to disable voicemail2.) requesting a feature to have a user ext to have multiple grp assignment and have the option to select multiple call queue grp ext for voicemail
Paul commented
Customer would want to have an option for call queue to disable voicemail just like a user extension have
Shawna commented
This would be ideal. Please work on this one!
Mike commented
Would very much like an option to completely disable voicemail on a call queue. Currently this is only possible after hours; we need to have this also available during business hours.Thanks!