Distinctive Ring for Queues
Would be beneficial for queues to have ability to have distinctive ring. That way, if someone is member of multiple queues they can hear ring and discern which group that calling is coming in through. I know we can show queue name, however we have had requested audible ring identifier as well.
Terri commented
We are currently in need of this to help the user easily identify what call queue a sales call is coming from to set up their greeting.
Zachary commented
Need to have this. I have one account that I am specific to, but I have other queues that I am on as well. I really want to have a separate ring tone for my specific queue, so that I can easily know if the call is for me when I am working on something else.
Vincent commented
This would be life-changing for our company. This is a feature our 35 year old PBX system had that once we switched over to Ring Central our office team is missing the most. It is a small office, so it would allow our team, which does not answer external calls but hears the phone ring, to identify when a colleague is trying to reach and call their attention. Right now there are so many calls that they ignore it and it is causing an inefficiency that used not to be there.