Blocked "Robocall" Visibility
We have seen repeated instances where fully legitimate callerIDs are being blocked by the RC robocall/spam filters. While this is a useful tool, in our experience the blocking can be too aggressive, to the point of blocking, for instance, a nearby county courthouse and a major medical provider's faxes. We recently ported a department fax line into RC and the department staff almost immediately started complaining about a big drop in quantity of received faxes. None of the sender's published fax numbers hit our call log, and it took us a while (too long) to figure out that maybe RC was blocking them. And in the end, that's exactly what's happening. When voice calls are blocked it's relatively easy to manage because the caller gets a message and can respond another way. Fax calls are difficult/impossible because many efax systems have a callerID different from their published fax number so their published number never hits the call log---and nobody knows their efax callerID. Long story to say: I suggest adding these blocks to our call logs as a new Type so RC admins can evaluate user complaints such as "I'm not receiving faxes from ACME" and then add the incorrect blocks to our trusted lists. Currently we have to guess/assume a block and open RC tickets and have them dig through those block logs, etc.