Export text conversations to a PDF or other document.
Being able to export entire text threads could allow us to file information to keep for future use. It would be easier to communicate with clients if we can more easily refer to past conversations.

Patton commented
For those getting updates on this issue, as of 4/1/2024, this feature is now available in the web app (https://app.ringcentral.com/) not sure about desktop app or whatnot. Once you select messages, you you now have an added option to export. Note, the export is to a text file, not PDF. But still allows companies to keep to legal compliance.I'm not sure when this was updated, but only w/in the last couple of weeks. If not working for you, do a forced reload of the page.
Than you, thank you , thank you to the RC Devs for finally getting this enabled.
Daniel commented
As an attorney, memorializing conversations with other parties is extremely important. As it is, this is often done through email, and, thanks to Ringcentral feature, I am also able to record phone calls and save the .mp3 to files. This is a great feature and I have used it many times. However, in this day and age, people tend to e-mail and talk on the phone less and are often more responsive via text. Saving texts through screen shots fragments the conversations, making them difficult to follow, and very burdensome to compile with longer conversations. The option to save text logs with dates, times, and phone numbers would be a significant feature not only for RingCentral's customers in the legal field, but all other professions as well.
Patton commented
As a lawyer, I am required to keep track of the communications with my clients, be they email, or SMS message. In the three years the export feature has been a "future consideration" plenty of purely cosmetic features have been implemented, but no export feature. The lack of this ability creats a legal jeopardy if I cannot prove that my actions were authorized by my client.The required info is already available to the web app, including a "select" that allows selection of multiple SMS messages, but only by manually clicking each one. Once selected, I can forward to another phone number -- or delete. Nothing else.So how about a "select all" button and an option to copy. I can figure out pasting the info into a document.
Kenneth commented
It would be very helpful to be able to export an entire Text/SMS Message Thread as a single PDF file that can be quickly emailed to yourself or others. This feature would be extremely valuable to all real estate professionals, attorneys, or anyone who is legally required to provide documentation of all communications with a client or other party. Your app/platform is already excellent and this feature would give your platform every tool our business needs in one place. Especially being able to text specifically from a business number directly to a client and being able to document all of those communications as a single PDF. Apple use to offer this feature on iPhone but they took it away. I haven’t found any apps that offer this seemingly simple and effective tool, which is a requirement for all real estate professionals in documenting communications. Please add this feature and I’ll love your app the MOST and recommend to everyone! Thanks for considering!
John commented
Have an option to export chat and SMS from Ringcentral jupiter
Justin commented
This is now MANDATORY for Real Estate agents to send all text communication logs to the Department of Real Estate. So far i have to screenshot several hundreds of pages and send to my broker (for DRE) to be compliant. This needs to be implemented son or RC will loose tens of thousand clients, including me
Irish commented
To be able to record conversations and act as a reference point when needed
Jay commented
Similar to exporting instant messages, I would like the ability for text messages. This has been a human resource request for employee records.