Add a textbox to User Phone Details for Custom Configuration Script
Phones configure themselves by accessing plain text configuration files hosted at a certain, RingCentral-provided URL. For instance, Yealink phones download their configuration from$PN .It would be great if there was a textbox in the "user phone details" page ( ), where we could specify some extra text to be appended to the end of RingCentral's provisioning text.For instance, if I had a Yealink phone, and in this hypothetical textbox I typed the following:wallpaperupload.url = = Config:lGYkhyP.jpgThen it would be rendered on RingCentral's provisioning server at URL$PN/$MAC/device.cfg something like:#!version: = = Config:lGYkhyP.jpgThis would set a custom wallpaper on that phone.Adding such a textbox would give admins a way to do a lot of nice things:Again, custom wallpaper on phonesAdd speed dials to DSS keys instead of just "presence" BLF on phone buttonsOn Yealink, control the width of the DSS keys with features.configdsskeylength (so you can see the button labels or the wallpaper better)Disable call waiting ( callwaiting.enable = 0 )Disable the "missed call" popup ( features.missedcallpopup.enable = 0 )Disable blind transfer from park ( transfer.dsskeydeal_type = 4 ). Long story time: occasionally my users will try to put a customer on park and then call the coworker the customer wants to speak to to see if they want to accept the call. Sometimes, the transferrer (receptionist) went too fast or pressed too lightly on the park button, and the customer did not get parked before the receptionist pressed the BLF of the coworker. With blind transfer on, the customer was transferred instantly to the coworker (but it rang with the transferrer's caller ID, not the customer's ID!). The receiving coworker would answer very casually with a "hey what's up?" expecting it to be the receptionist/transferrer. Instead it was an angry customer. So what I'm trying to say is, blind transfer is a terrible default.And just about any other little adjustments admins might want to doPresumably this could work for any user device on RingCentral that provisions with plain text files.Yealink configuration files require that #!veresion: preamble to be on the first line of config files, so just make it so that when it's rendered on (the Yealink provisioning URL), it renders the contents of the textbox with that preamble above it. If it's on (the Cisco provisioning URL), then render it without that preamble.