Add a button to allow users to enable/disable the new released feature: Keyboard shortcuts
After the new upgrade that was automatically installed on 02/23/2022, RingCentral added a new feature called "Keyboard Shortcuts". This new feature has new pre-configured shortcuts to specific options. The problem is that it was not considered the use of ASCCII code, because there are some pre-configured shortcuts that start with a number, for example, "ALT + 1" to go to Message tab on RingCentral Windows' app. But, in the Spanish language, all the vocals with accent, on ASSCII code, start with "1" and other letter that is very common to use also starts with "1": "ñ" = ALT + 164, "Ñ" = ALT + 165, "á" = ALT + 160, "ó" = ALT + 162, and also other special characters that in some cases you need to type them using ASCCII code because those keys on the keyboard are damaged, like "@" = ALT + 64, "\" = ALT + 92, and so on. For now, there is no way to turn this new feature off nor having the possibility of autodetect misspelling, like other apps or websites do, RingCentral doesn't detect if you type wrong a word, so, for now, my best solution is to type in notepad and then copy-paste to my RingCentral chat conversation, which is very unpractical. Then main problem is with the keyboard shortcuts under "App Navigation" section in RingCentral.

Eddy commented
For Spanish language there is a need for a Keyboard shortcut to input the character ñ that typically goes by pressing Alt 164. Please add it to the currents Keyboard shortcuts.
Tony commented
My name is Tony Gomez and I work from Mexico and with this last updated it affected our grammatic with the assignation you did on the shortcuts that can't we modify, for example before this last updated (Version: Web, Windows
Date: 2022-02-23 17:06:05) we have the ability to use the ascii code, for example:
Alt+164 = ñ
But now I can't use the ascii code because the update you did take the number 4 & 5 (see attached file).I hope soon you can fix this because I have to use a notepad to put the code that I need.