Do Not Disturb(DND) with time duration
You should be able to set the do not disturb setting to expire after a certain period of time, rather than having to remember to go in and turn it off. Sometimes we set it just for a meeting and then realize the next day it is still set to do not disturb.

John commented
The ability to schedule DND, or have chat notifications muted during after-hours (via defined business hours) would be desirable.
Valentina commented
Yes! I don’t work until 3 pm, and I don’t want to get notifications all day while I’m not at work. I want to be able to set an automated DND that turns off during the hours of 3-6 Monday-Friday.
Emily commented
Setting a schedule for do not disturb would allow for easy work/life boundary setting. Using Ring for work and being able to input my off hours as do not disturb instead of manually switching back and forth every day would be very convenient.
Kayla commented
Sometimes coworkers work at different times and then there’s an influx of messages at 3am your time so a do not disturb feature that you can have set for times that you’re offline would be awesome!