Cmd + Enter should send a new message in RC App
RC on Mac. This is fairly standard across the web: enter text into a textboxpress cmd enterform posts to serverBut when I press enter or cmd enter in a text compose window it won't send. I have to move my hand off the keyboard to actually send. See attachment. No variation of the enter key that I have tried will actually "send" that message.

Vineet commented
Hello @Justin Collum,We have recently launched a feature to control the behavior for CMD+ENTER which can control whether you want to add a new line whether you want to send the message on pressing "Enter". However, it applies only to the message text box in the conversation.Currently, from the "new message" window, you can hit "tab" to get to the "Send" button to then hit "Enter" to send. You don't have to take the hands off your keyboard. Can this work for now?Also the new setting rests here if you want to alter it