Park call numbers/extension specific to site
Our company has many stores across several states. As RingCentral works now, if store A parks a call, there is nothing that stops store B or store C, etc, from picking up that call. It happened today simply because one store accidentally put in the wrong digit when they went to retrieve a call from park. The caller/customer was aggrivated because it then took them some time to figure out what store the customer had originally called. If the park numbers could be specific per site it would help. For example, store A could have parking available at *800 - *850 and store B could have *851 - *900. But not allow them to pick up each other's parked calls. I understand that Parking Locations is an option and it's been considered. However, if the store only has two parking locations because their phone only has 2 presence keys available, that isn't much help for a high volume store that could at any point have 5-10 callers on hold.