RingCentral desktop app (Mac) - Don't use system sound output for voicemail playback
In the RC App for Mac, the app uses the in-app Audio Sources settings for everything (audio calls, video meetings, etc) except for voicemail playback. Voicemail playback defaults to the Mac system sound output settings and cannot be changed. This design is problematic as it requires the user to either:Set the system sound output to match the Speaker Source setting in the RC App (e.g., a phone headset) so that all audio (RC and system) play through this single output; or Have calls handled via the RC Speaker Source (e.g., a phone headset) and voicemails played back via different source as configured in the Mac system sound output settings (e.g., external speakers)Neither of the above is optimal. In case #1, the user cannot use one sound output for RC and another for all other audio. In case #2, the user must--for example--remove the headset in order to listen to voicemails. REQUEST: The RC app should either use the in-app Speaker Source for all audio output (calls, video, and voicemail playback) or the RC app should allow a separately configurable playback output for voicemails.